Basic First Aid Course

(4 Reviews)

Duration 8 h 10 m

Basic First Aid Course

About Course

The basic first aid course is designed to provide participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to respond to common medical emergencies. The course will cover essential first aid techniques, including assessing the situation, providing immediate care, and understanding when to seek professional medical help.

Course content

videoCourse Outline30 m
videoModule 1: Introduction to First Aid40 m
videoBasic Life Support (BLS)1 h
videoChoking Management1 h
videoWound Care and Bleeding Control1 h
videoFractures and Musculoskeletal Injuries1 h
videoBurns and Scalds1 h
videoModule 7: Medical Emergencies1 h
videoEnvironmental Emergencies1 h
Power Education

Power Education

Course Instructor

Director and Owner

(4 Reviews)
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